TotalSecure Whole Life Insurance

Predictable Guarantees on the Most Flexible
Whole Life Product in the Industry.

Convenient to Issue, Convenient to manage.

  • Strong death benefit guarantees
  • Accumulation guarantees1
  • Premium Payments that never go up1

  • Premium payments can be customized around client needs
  • Living benefits
  • Access to cash value through loans and withdrawals2

Convenient to Issue:
  • EZ Underwriting and eApp

One Solution for Many Needs

Where Does TotalSecure Fit?

Here are four target profiles where TotalSecure is a predictable and flexible client solution:


Wants No Risk

37, Married with one child, On track to be partner

  • To provide financial protection for her family if she wasn’t there
  • To accumulate money tax-deferred, as she is in a high tax bracket
  • To protect this portion of her assets from market losses


Wants Total Protection

60, Married with three grown children and five grandchildren, VP, Sales, approaching retirement

  • To protect a portion of his money from market fluctuations so close to his retirement
  • To pass on as much wealth to his family as possible
  • To have access to his money when he needs it


Wants the Most Protection He Can Afford

32, Single father, Police Officer

  • To have the most protection he can afford
  • To obtain life insurance while he is young
  • To have protection in case he becomes ill or injured


Wants a Safety Net

52, Widow with two sons, Owns two restaurants

  • To protect her business if she becomes ill
  • To protect her sons from being burdened by taxes and expenses when she dies
  • To continue to accumulate money, which she can access through policy loans in case the business has unexpected cash flow challenge

Learn more about TotalSecure:

TotalSecure Whole Life Insurance:

Predictable Guarantees on the Most Flexible Whole Life Product in the Industry.

Want to learn more or run an illustration?

Contact the National Life Group Sales Desk at 800-906-3310, option 1

  1. For illustrations based on guaranteed values. Actual results may be more or less favorable for illustrations designed around non-guaranteed dividends.
  2. Policy loans and withdrawals reduce the policy’s cash value and death benefit and may result in a taxable event. Surrender charges may reduce the policy's cash value in early years.

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National Life Group® is a trade name of National Life Insurance Company, Montpelier, VT, Life Insurance Company of the Southwest, Addison, TX and their affiliates. Each company of National Life Group is solely responsible for its own financial condition and contractual obligations. Life Insurance Company of the Southwest is not an authorized insurer in New York and does not conduct insurance business in New York.

Living benefits may be provided by riders which are supplemental benefits that can be added to a life insurance policy and are not suitable unless the client has a need for life insurance. Riders are optional, may require additional premium and may not be available in all states or on all products.

No bank or credit union guarantee | Not a deposit | Not FDIC/NCUA insured | May lose value | Not insured by any federal or state government agency

Guarantees are dependent upon the claims-paying ability of the issuing company.


TC137148(1023)3 | Cat No 104336(0524)